Structuring Optimal Health Through Targeted TherapiesTM

Rosemary Mazanet, MD, PhD
Drug Development and Clinical Trial Advisor

Rosemary Mazanet received her MD (86) and PhD (81) from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and then went on to train in Internal Medicine (Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston) and Medical Oncology (Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston).

The teams she led in the 1990s at Amgen Inc. filed successful INDs, sBLAs, and BLAs, and she presented those programs at FDA approval meetings.

She subsequently went to different opportunities by joining Oracle Partners, LP, one of the first health-care focused hedge funds as a general partner.

She subsequently co-founded Apelles Investment Management, a New York-based healthcare focused financial services firm that specialized in cross-capital structure, credit and stressed/distress investing within the healthcare sector. She retired from management duties in the public equity investment space in 2010, but is currently active at R. Mazanet LLC, where she has been involved in the restructuring of biotech development programs and acted as interim management for strategic initiatives, as well as strategic development of drugs licensed directly from academic institutions. She continues to advise financial firms on new investments. Dr. Mazanet has served as a Trustee of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine since 2002.

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Therapy Architects designs and develops novel targeted cancer therapies for both children and adults. Every patient is unique and not all respond to available products. Our team is focused on improving outcomes by optimizing efficacy and reducing toxic side effects of chemotherapeutic agents where, the cure can sometimes be worse than the disease itself.

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